Graduate Teaching Assistant Office Hours
Biology, Chemistry, and Physics graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) hold scheduled office hours in the DuPont ISLL Tutoring Center, ISE Room 314. No more searching around campus to find them; they’re all in one spot! The schedule will be updated regularly, so keep an eye out for weekly changes!
The ISLL graduate teaching assistants work closely with the corresponding course professor. They offer help on course-specific material to guide students towards academic success. Can’t make your GTA’s office hours? Check out our FREE drop-in peer tutoring schedule below during the fall and spring semesters for extra support!
In Person and Virtual Peer Tutoring
The DuPont ISLL Tutoring Center offers FREE in person and virtual tutoring during fall and spring semesters.
The ISLL Tutoring Center is currently offering tutoring services in: BISC 207, BISC 208, CHEM 103, CHEM 104, and SCEN 101.
Don’t see tutoring for the class you need? Let us know! Plus, keep an eye out for additional classes being added to this tutoring schedule .

Visit us, for:
- General questions
- Concept-specific questions
- Supported study-time
- Homework help
- Lab report help
- Poster assistance
- Additional test-prep
- Comments and suggestions to help us grow!
Helpful, friendly undergraduate tutors await your arrival!