Where is ISLL located?
The DuPont Interdisciplinary Science Learning Laboratories (ISLL) are housed in the University of Delaware’s Patrick T. Harker ISE Lab. The University of Delaware’s Patrick T. Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory (ISE Lab) is a hub of teaching and research on campus. The 194,000 square foot facility brings together students and faculty from various disciplines to teach, learn and conduct research in a collaborative environment. Research provides content for the curriculum and students learn through the exploration of real-world problems.
How does architecture influence learning?
Learning Space Faculty, preceptors, graduate teaching assistants (GTAs), undergraduate peer-led team leaders (PLTL), student studio fellows, and workshop fellows converge in the ISLL daily while courses are in session.
Collectively, this team facilitates lectures, discussions, problem solving sessions, wet laboratories, public presentations, GTAs’ office hours, and a drop-in informal learning center with free tutoring.
Problem-based Learning Studios Student teams assemble for collaborative learning activities using mobile node chairs with surfaces large enough for laptops/notebooks and room underneath for backpacks. Writable walls and monitors are accessible surfaces that facilitate team and whole-class communication.
The PBL Learning Studios seat a maximum of 48 students; thus, the experience is similar to what many think of as an honors experience, but it is available to all students. Each PBL studio is 1400 square feet and is flanked by two 1500 square foot laboratories.
Saddleback Labs Each PBL studio is flanked by two wet labs that are equipped with fume hoods, mobile lab benches, real-time data acquisition equipment, digital video microscopes, and iPads.