The ISLL houses two types of courses. The “iBC: integrated Biology and Chemistry” course series delivers interdisciplinary instruction for a broad population of life science majors. Interdisciplinary “SCEN” courses coach general education majors to discover science in the world around them. Both, iBC and SCEN courses are housed in the Interdisciplinary Science Learning Laboratories.
iBC Integrated offerings of Introductory Biology I and II and General Chemistry I and II, Lecture and Lab.
- CHEM134
- BISC 207
- BISC208
- CHEM103
- CHEM133
- CHEM104
The courses beginning with “SCEN” represent a variety of opportunities for non-science majors. A primary goal of SCEN courses is to help students develop scientific literacy, critical thinking skills, and build their scientific curiosity, which prepares them to be engaged global citizens in the 21st century.